Stajenka serca - Joanna Bejm Quintet

Stajenka serca - Joanna Bejm Quintet
Joanna Bejm Quintet
śpiew: Joanna Bejm
chórki: Joanna Smajdor Kotowicz
fortepian, wibrafon: Kuba Kotowicz
kontrabas: Tymon Trąbczyński
saksofon: Michał Łuka
perkusja: Filip Janowski
Mix&Mastering: Karol Mańkowski

Joanna Bejm - vocalist, composer, and culture animator. She is a laureate of many song festivals and competitions, including the television program Szansa na sukces and the Debuts competition at the National Festival of Polish Song in Opole. She is a grantee of the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport, the Association of Authors ZAIKS, and the Association of Artists and Performers STOART. She performs in projects related to poetic songs and jazz bands. She likes to combine different musical genres with poetry. She expressed this in projects dedicated to Halina Poświatowska. In 2019, her debut album Jesteś with original music to Halina Poświatowska's poems was released. It received very positive reviews from both listeners and critics. It was praised by Marek Niedźwiecki, who frequently played songs from the album on his shows and included the song Mówię kocham on his jubilee 20th edition compilation Marek Niedźwiecki invites you to Smooth Jazz Cafe, released by Universal Music Poland in November 2020.
In 2021, she created a poetical-musical project dedicated to forgotten poets who fought in the Warsaw Uprising. In late 2021, Joanna released additional original singles: Na skróty (Shortcut), Smutek wieczorny (Evening Sadness), and Jutro (Tomorrow), which appeared on the compilation album Marek Niedźwiecki invites you to Smooth Jazz Cafe 21.
Now it's time for her own, Christmas song Stajenka serca (Manger of the Heart). Joanna co-created it with Aleksandra Bogdanowicz, who wrote a captivating lyrics.

Gatunek: Kolędy i piosenki świąteczne
Data wydania: 2023-12-01
Numer katalogowy: SL 1400 33

Tytuł Cena

Stajenka Serca

Stajenka Serca
6.00 zł
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